My City Council Meeting Notes for Parker, Tx, October 23, 2024

Stephanie Fort, Realtor and Parker, Tx Specialist
469-512-3432 [email protected]
If you were watching television in the 1980s, I don't have to remind you how popular the Southfork Ranch in Parker, Texas, had become. Not just locally but worldwide! To this day, you'll see tourists parking on the side of the road to get pictures of the Southfork home.
The television series "Southfork" had a 357-episode run from 1978-1991 but when it ended, there was still one unanswered question, "Who shot JR"
As a Realtor and Parker resident, I was curious what was going to happen to the site so I attended the City of Parker city council meeting on October 22nd, 2024. Below are my notes but please call Parker city hall for more information or clarification of anything you see here.
1. They APPROVED the awarding of contracting the water line construction under Dublin road. The city of Parker had $1.2M that they had to "obligate" by the end of 2024. It has to be spent by the end of 2026. The hold-up in making the decision was whether they should put the water line under the road or get bids to have it buried alongside the road. Ultimately they decided they didn't want to upset all the residents that would be losing trees & fences, or deal with moving utilities. Either way, Dublin Road is going to be under construction for a while... council said they have plans to resurface the road anyway so they are going to further collaborate with the construction company contracted - mentioned possibly going gravel/soft surface between projects if they can get the road surface out quickly after the waterline is finished.
2. They POSTPONED the decision for the developer of Kings Crossing to designate phase 5 final plat lots 26 & 27, Block F. The developer was not happy but the city wanted clarification that the city's engineer had approved the floodplain projection after Kings Crossing begins phases 6 & 7. It was also brought up that some homes in that development have drainage issues.
3. They APPROVED rezoning of 151.316 Acres at Southfork from Special Activities to Residential. This developer has plans for 89 2-acre lots, $2M+ homes. He gave up trying to get 1-acre lots and believes he can still make a profit with 2-acre lots. The 37 acres of Southfork event center will STAY - this has apparently been rumored differently around town. They have money allocated to improving it, not removing it. He will have 3 builders in this project: Shaddock, Partners in Builders, and Our Country Homes. The dilemma with this was determining if this decision is in direct conflict with the current open-spaces ordinance in place. The developer seems to be diligent in cooperating with the city and surrounding neighbors to take everyone's opinions into consideration and has already started collaborating with neighboring HOA to help with their drainage issues and accommodate their fencing requests.
4. They also APPROVED rezoning of 54.053 acres at Southfork from Agriculture to Residential BUT are taking the developer's word that he would consider making it commercial if the economics play out well for the city - will be discussed further the developer stated they would need zoning approved so they can move forward with his lender on the other 151 acre project for homes. Most of the council seemed to be in favor of adding some commercial spaces in Parker. But if it doesn't happen, it's about 21 more 2-acre homes.